Ever since I can remember I have loved to create. I was the child who loved to do crafts of all sorts. Then I discovered drawing and painting and I took every art class my high school offered. My grandmother recognized my talent and encouraged me to follow my artistic dream, however my father said artist are a dime a dozen, and I could never make a living out of it. He said I needed to be a secretary or a nurse. Well, that's exactly what I did, I worked in business, and later became a registered nurse. But I never lost my ambition for creating.
About 15 years ago I decided I was going to learn how to make a glass bead. I researched via the internet, what materials and tools I needed to get started. I found a few books and instructional material about glass working and read as much as I could about this new passion. And I was off to experimenting and playing with molten glass. For me it was all trial and error, because I ventured into this self taught. So many techniques that I have mastered, I learned purely by accident. Through commitment and dedication, I have made a name for myself as a respected glass artist, and I’m able to offer my glass beads at a very reasonable price, so others can enjoy them as much as I do.
Honors / Awards
1st Place Glass - Colden Arts 2018
1st Place Jewelry - Letchworth 2017
Honorable Mention - Quaker Arts 2015
1st Place Glass - Allentown Village Art Society 2014
Best Display - Quaker Arts 2014
3rd Place - Quaker Arts 2014
2nd Place - Quaker Arts 2013
3rd Place Glass - Allentown Village Art Society 2011
Judges Award - Quaker Arts 2010
Most Original - Carnegie Art Center 2010
2nd Place - Quaker Arts 2007
2nd Place - Quaker Arts 2006
Honorable Mention - Quaker Arts 2005
Honorable Mention - Quaker Arts 2004
Burchfield Penney Art Center 2009
Bufffalo History Museum - 2011
Copper Shop on the Roycroft Campus - 2018 to present
School House Gallery - 2014 to present
Roycrofters-at-Large Association - Vice President 2015 & show chair
Roycroft Renaissance Master Artist 2014 - Present
Roycroft Renaissance Mark Artist 2010 - Present
Roycrofters-at-Large Association Board Member 2011 - 2017
International Society of Glass Beadmakers Member since 2002 - Present
Roycrofters-at-Large Association - Patron Membership since 2006 - Present
Self Representing Artist 2010 - Present